Happy birthday, Chiropractic!

Chiropractic was founded on September 18, 1895 by Daniel David Palmer.

The very first chiropractic adjustment was a slight spinal adjustment of a deaf janitor, Harvey Lillard. Following the adjusment, Lillard stated that he began to regain his hearing. A few months after the adjustment, his hearing had fully returned! Just two years later in 1897, Dr. Palmer opened the Palmer School of Chiropractic.

Now, Chiropractic is practiced all over the world!


  • Dr. Marie became a chiropractor in 2010 after graduating from Life University

  • Daniel David Palmer had no formal medical training before founding chiropractic

  • The cracking sound you hear while getting adjusted is actually the release of gas from inside your joints

  • Chiropractic is great for pregnancies

  • Keeping your spine in proper alignment helps your body to heal itself

  • Chiropractic can help improve brain function


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